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Cosmetic Dentist in Salinas Helps Patients Reach New Year Goals

January 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — klugman @ 12:38 am

woman smiling happyHave you contemplated the goals you have for 2018? Do some of them consist of improving your smile? Your cosmetic dentist in Salinas is here to help you if you want brighter, stronger teeth in the new year! Learn more about how to optimize your oral health with these helpful tips!

Get Your Dream Smile in 2018!

If you want to save money and look better in 2018, you should start with your teeth and gums. In fact, taking great care of your smile will save you both time and money—especially if you commit to following these helpful tips from your Salinas dentist.

  • Keep a healthier diet – Make sure to get the vitamins and nutrients your whole body needs—even your smile. These vital nutrients will boost the immune system, reducing the risk of oral health concerns.
  • Quit using tobacco altogether –Tobacco causes your teeth to become discolored, can lead to developed oral cancer, and you just about double the chance of facing tooth loss when you smoke cigarettes.
  • Monitor your alcohol intake – Everyone knows that alcohol is a strong substance that shouldn’t be abused. You can still drink it, but be sure to make sure you’re not abusing it because it can cause the development of oral cancer and loosen teeth overtime.
  • Maintain great oral hygiene at home – Be sure to brush and floss your teeth every day and night. You don’t have to floss twice a day but be sure it’s at least once throughout your day. It’s critical to remove plaque and bacteria between teeth!

Follow These Extra Tips as Well

You should head the tips above, but these easier tips can also improve your oral health. Try implementing these things into your dental hygiene routine and habits:

  • Avoid dental damage by never using your smile to open packages.
  • Use soft bristle brushes rather than rough ones to avoid abrasively scrubbing away your tooth enamel.
  • Replace your tooth brush every three months or when they start to show signs of wear and tear like frayed bristles.
  • Invest in a custom mouthguard from your dentist if you’re an athlete to protect your smile.
  • Use a fluoride tooth paste whenever you brush to boost your tooth enamel’s strength.
  • Most importantly, see your dentist regularly for dental checkups and professional cleanings.

Are you ready for a better 2018? Start off with boosting your oral health with the help of your local dentist.

About Our Office

Here at Blanco Circle Dental Care, we don’t believe you should tackle a big resolution, like caring for your smile, alone. Great oral health takes a team—let your dentist partner with you! Whether you want to improve your aesthetics with cosmetic treatments or need to preventive care to boost your oral health, we’re here for you!



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